Friday, July 24, 2009

The silence drama in Suba!


Margie said...

AMEN!!!!! God's love needs NO words and breaks ALL language barriers!!


Eph 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Joe Renaud said...

God is so so awesome. It's so sweet how he is working though people i'm close to in such a big way. It's so amazing. And thanks for doing this blog an posting the pictures and videos and everything. It's to here from you guys. Keep up the good work. =]

Jake said...

WOW!! Thanks for posting the updates. It's completely awesome how GOD is working through you guys! Please stay safe. We're praying for everyone. You guys ROCK!!


Beckie said...

This is just so cool to see young people so on fire for God~!! (And thanks for taking the time to update the blog - I'm sure I speak for all of the parents when I say this has really been a blessing and helped with having our children so far from home.)

Dylan - I love you in the Silent Drama - Change of career for you maybe? From music to acting?? :0)

Can't wait for you to come home -
We love you and miss you!!