Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More Pics:)

We'll be home soon, but here are some more pics to help the wait seem a little shorter:)


Margie said...

I can't wait! You'll be home in just about 24 hours! I'm counting the minutes! I can't wait to hug you all!!

Cheryl May said...

Thank you so much for the pics! We love seeing you all. Praying for safe travel home.

Steph's mom said...

I love the pictures!! I can't wait so see you Steph! Praying that your flights will be comfortable and safe.I love you so much. Love,Mom

Steph's mom said...

I love the pictures!! I can't wait so see you Steph! Praying that your flights will be comfortable and safe.I love you so much. Love,Mom

Anonymous said...

YES!!! I can't wait until you guys come home tomorrow, and I think we are having like a coming home party for Miguel (I think) and basically all you guys, so you should come over to my house and hang with me so I can hug you all (Wow this feels like a JB moment) I can't wait to see you guys.

See ya!!!
Chris Brown